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What To Consider When Choosing a Commercial Laundry Provider

What To Consider When Choosing a Commercial Laundry Provider

2 Feb

What To Consider When Choosing a Commercial Laundry Provider

If you’re looking for a commercial laundry provider, you’d want to keep some things in mind before making your decision. There will likely be plenty of options for you to pick from, but how do you know which of those options works best for you?

Here are some things to consider when picking a laundry provider.



A professional cleaning service isn’t usually the most cost friendly option to get all your cleaning done with, which is why most people tend to only get their fancier clothes cleaned by services, while they do the rest at home. Regardless of what portion of your laundry you give to your cleaners, you do want to make sure that their prices lie within your budget. If not, you may have to find alternatives.

Remember though, that the cheapest places may not necessarily be the best ones for you! Take a look at service quality as well, when making your decision.


commercial dry cleaner


Services Offered

Different laundry providers have different services that they may offer, and you’d want to see that yours can do what you need them to do. Some may offer dry cleaning and traditional cleaning services, while others may only have dry cleaning. Some even have eco-friendly dry cleaning, which may be better for those who are more environmentally conscious.

Some services go beyond just cleaning clothes and also provide clothes and shoe repair services. There are all sorts of services people tend to need, and it would make things a lot easier for you if you could find all of these in one place.


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For a lot of people, finding time out of a busy schedule to drop off your laundry and then pick it up again is quite difficult. It’d definitely be a lot easier to have a laundry service which comes and collects your clothes and then drops them off when they’re done. When looking around for cleaning services, you’d want to keep this in mind as well.



Some people don’t care about the detergents used for their laundry, but others may have sensitive skin, allergies or reactions to the chemicals often found in laundry detergents and softeners. You’d also want to find a service that doesn’t just not use these harsh solutions and opt for more eco-friendly and natural ones that won’t harm the environment, while also being safe to use on your skin.

It can definitely be tricky to find a service that caters to you in every possible way, but also not completely impossible. All you have to do is look around a bit!

Sterling Cleaners can provide you the best dry cleaning service in DC. From quality to the variety in services offered and more, we have everything you need from a cleaning service. Contact us now and let us take care of your clothes for you!

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