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Your Wedding Gown Can Last Forever! Here’s How…

Your Wedding Gown Can Last Forever! Here’s How…

Wedding Gown
8 Aug

Your Wedding Gown Can Last Forever! Here’s How…

Your big day has finally come to an end!

As hectic as the days leading up to the wedding must have been, you can’t spare a moment to relax! There is still your wedding dress to worry about – how to care and store your expensive and sentimental investment!

Many brides prefer to have their wedding gowns preserved and stored, with the intention of gifting the dress to their daughters or granddaughters.

You may want to preserve the dress for sentimental value, to always remember the best day of your life. Whatever the reason, wedding gown preservation will help retain your gown’s original color, feel of fabric and shape.

Besides choosing Imperial Valet for this job, there are some other self-care tips that should be followed for the best results.

Hang Your Wedding Dress Properly

This is the most basic self-care tip yet people mess up, causing the delicate material to fray before its time.

When hanging your wedding dress, never use the fragile shoulder seams. These can stretch or sag with overtime hanging. Instead, use the loops that are connected to sturdy side seams to hang your wedding gown.

Always Use a Good Garment Bag

Mold and mildew is the biggest enemy of wedding gowns and other clothing items. Moisture trapped inside plastic cause both mold and mildew, which slowly eat away at the fabric. A horrible musty smell also emanates from gowns wrapped in plastic, after ‘yellowing’ the dress in many places.

Invest in a proper and good quality garment bag, storing your wedding gown away from light.

Leave Wedding Gown Cleaning To the Experts

Dry-cleaning expensive and delicate wedding gowns is a tricky process, especially if there are a lot of embellishments.

This process should be left to the professionals as one wrong move on your part could deteriorate condition of the dress. Do you want to remove a wine stain before preserving and storing your dress?

Professional dry cleaners will provide an excellent service, only using mild yet effective cleaning solutions that will leave any fabric looking new and fresh.

You must choose the storage place wisely once your wedding dress is preserved by Imperial Valet Service Inc.

Extreme changes in temperature and humidity will damage your dress so don’t store in the attic or basement. Instead, store your beautiful dress in a normal temperature controlled area or room, a place away from direct sunlight and free from humidity.

You want to take out your wedding dress after a few years, gaze upon the fabric lovingly and with fond memories. The well-preserved wedding dress can be part of the “something borrowed” for a future weeding!

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