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Things to Consider Before Dropping off Your Clothes for Professional Dry Cleaning

Things to Consider Before Dropping off Your Clothes for Professional Dry Cleaning

a bottle of cleaning chemical
5 May

Things to Consider Before Dropping off Your Clothes for Professional Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is extremely common in the U.S, and many people rely on their local dry cleaners to take care of their expensive clothes. Most people prefer dry cleaning over laundry services because the former has a minimal impact on clothes. This blog post will highlight some of the things you should consider before dropping off your clothes to a dry cleaning service.

Cleaning Methods

There are many dry cleaning methods. Some methods are relatively better for your clothes as well as the environment. Before you drop off your expensive clothes at a dry cleaning service, make sure to inquire about their cleaning methods. If your clothes are sensitive, then request them to be extra careful and gentle with your clothes. If they hesitate from sharing details about their cleaning methods, don’t give them your clothes.

Filename: cleaning-chemical

Alt text: a bottle of cleaning chemical

Cleaning Chemicals

You can find many detergents and cleaning chemicals in the market that claim to provide great results. Some powerful chemicals can quickly get rid of stains and make your clothes look as if they are new. However, such chemicals aren’t good for the life of your clothes and do more harm than good.

While chemicals may temporarily improve their appearance, they significantly damage their quality. Moreover, such chemicals aren’t good for the environment either. Ask your dry cleaner about what products they are using and request them to use green products.

Green cleaning solutions take more time and effort, and cost a little more than chemicals, but they provide great results without damaging your clothes or the environment.

Check Their Insurance Policy

Before you trust any dry cleaners with their services, ask them about their insurance policies. Ask if they will take responsibility for your clothes and compensate for them if they’re lost or damaged. You can also ask your friends and families about their services and reliability. If they have a bad reputation, then don’t trust them with their services.

Imperial Valet Services is a family-owned company that provides a wide range of cleaning solutions in the Washington Metropolitan area. The company started in 1936, and since then has been providing their dry cleaning, laundry and linen laundry services. Their other services include water restoration, carpet cleaning, shoe repair and shine, suede and leather cleaning, curtain and drapery cleaning, wedding gown cleaning, rug cleaning and wash and fold services. Schedule your dry cleaning or any other services today.


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