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The Ultimate Guide for Shoe Care

The Ultimate Guide for Shoe Care

1 Jan

The Ultimate Guide for Shoe Care

Quality footwear is an important part of your body’s biomechanics. It’s no secret that good quality footwear can be heavy on the pocket; hence, taking care of them must be a priority!

Here are a few nifty items you can use to care for your favorite shoes:

Shine your Shoes with a Microfiber Cloth

If your shoes are dusty, use a microfiber cloth to wipe them clean.

Apply a thin coat of shoe polish in a circular motion and make sure the polish reaches the inside creases of the shoe (an old toothbrush can work too).

Let the shoe sit for a few minutes in a warm place to allow the polish to absorb into the shoe.

Follow this up with a fresh and dry microfiber cloth, adding a little water as you go to give it that perfect sheen!

Rub-Off Mud Marks with an Eraser

An eraser works best on sneakers, joggers, and even on suede shoes.

The trick is to gently rub a stain or mud mark with an eraser until the stain disappears.

If you have a suede shoe, mildly dampen the stained area before erasing it, allowing the eraser to rub off the dirt more easily and efficiently.

Stubborn Stains and a Nail Equipment

If you’re dealing with stubborn stains on your leather or suede shoes , gently stroking a nail buffer can help clear up the mark. However, this requires particular care and attention since any harsh strokes can damage the delicate shoe fabric.

Nail polish removers can also do the trick when it comes to stubborn marks!

Dip a cotton bud in nail polish remover and gently dab onto the mark. The alcohol in the nail polish remover will do away with any extra coated color on your sneakers and leave them as good as new.

Pro tip: nail polish remover can be strong so make sure you test a small area of the shoe first.

However, we recommend letting our professionals handle stains and scuff marks so as to avoid any costly mistake!

An Extra Use for Your Daily Wipes

Makeup wipes and baby wipes make for a great hack when it comes to removing scuffs or other marks on your sneakers.

Always be wary of the wipe’s ingredients to ensure they don’t ruin your shoes.

If your wipes have any acid content, make sure you don’t use them on any colored sneakers to prevent fading and discoloration.

Shoe Repair Services in Washington DC

If your shoes are precious to you, head over to Sterling Cleaners for a quick shoe-makeover! We offer shoe repair and cleaning services for all kinds of shoes, be it leather, canvas, rubber, or suede. We also offer dry-cleaning, pressing, and laundry services with pick-up and delivery!

Contact us now and schedule your pickup today!


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