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How to Remove Mold and Mildew From Leather Pieces

How to Remove Mold and Mildew From Leather Pieces

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2 Feb

How to Remove Mold and Mildew From Leather Pieces

Most people throw in their leather jackets into their closets right after the winter and fall season. Same thing happens to most leather bags and shoes. If these items aren’t properly cleaned and packed before being stored for months, the moisture can deteriorate the quality, color, and texture of the leather. But that’s not it; excessively damp environments also make your leather items perfect breeding ground for mold!

Appropriate packing is the key to maintaining the beauty of your leather items, whether it’s your shoes or your leather trench coat. However, if you were too late to read this and mold has already taken over your favorite leather jacket, here are some simple, yet effective ways to help you get rid of it.

Avoid These Mistakes When Cleaning Your Leather Garment

Before you move ahead with the mold treatment, keep these things in mind:

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  • Never use laundry detergent on your leather pieces and don’t even think of putting them in the washing machine.
  • Spot-testing should be your first step before applying any cleaning product to the leather.
  • With every cleaning product there are cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer for different materials. Always read it to ensure that the product is suitable to be used on leather.

Use the Wipe-Off Technique

Often times, mold growth is still fresh and hasn’t absorbed deep into the leather. In such case, using the wipe-off method may be the best for getting rid of the mold.  Follow these steps to do it right:

Clean every bit of moisture on the leather using a dry micro-fiber cloth or dry it using the lowest setting on a hair blow-dryer.

Gently rub the affected spot with a damp piece of cloth. If you dried the mold accurately in the first step, it should come off easily with gentle wiping.

Apply a cleaning solution—particularly designed for leather items—on a sponge, and clean the entire piece with it.

Wipe the solution from the leather with a damp cloth and repeat until no residual is left.

Allow your leather piece to dry under a fan or with a blow dryer.

Note: Don’t hang your leather clothing under direct sunlight as it may damage its color and texture.

Trust the Experts for Your Leather Clothing

If your attempt to remove mold from your leather item wasn’t fruitful, don’t fret! At Imperial Valet, our laundry and dry cleaning experts in DC are also well-versed in providing top-quality leather and suede cleaning services. We can bring your leather shoes back to life! Schedule a free pick and delivery service today or call at (202) 785-1444 for more information.

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