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Laundry 101: All You Need To Know About the Chemicals Used

Laundry 101: All You Need To Know About the Chemicals Used

Clothes being taken out of the dryer by a woman’s hand
11 Nov

Laundry 101: All You Need To Know About the Chemicals Used

Don’t you wish laundry just happened on its own? No cleaning, no waiting for it to dry, and certainly not doing gymnastics to try and fold a bed cover. Well, the laundry industry’s market size is estimated to amount to $ 5.2 billion by 2025, so people surely prefer our services. Yet somehow, they’re unaware of which chemicals are being used in detergents and dry cleaning. 

Here’s a handy guide on the commonly-used chemicals in the industry :

Eyeing the pre-spotters:

Ever get a stain that you already know will be a hassle even before you get started with the laundry? Whether it’s a bloody mess or an oily fiasco, pre-spotters can make any laundry wash and fold easier. Say goodbye to the gruesome spots and the worry lines on your forehead by allowing us to take care of your valuable commodities. 

Bleach! At the Laundromat

We chime in with a “haven’t you people ever heard of bleach used in commercial laundry services?” Yes, one of the most common constituents of the laundry industry is chlorine- or oxygen-based bleach. Chlorine bleach help get the clothes nice and bright, leaving us feeling like a certain Disney princess, while oxygen bleach acts as a helpful friend and keeps all washable fabrics color-safe. 

Surfactants to the rescue

Any nasty or hard-to-remove stains are at the mercy of surfactants. They are the saviors of breaking up dirt and stain molecules and giving fabrics a nice and sleek look, even for leather and suede clothing items. That’s why we use them to give your jackets a bolder look by letting our experts especially take care of your delicate clothing article.

Optimize time with Neutralizers

Want to be best dressed and have glowing skin in the city? You best get neutralizers incorporated in your laundry service. Does it not only eliminate leftover mineral deposits but also reduce the chances of getting irritated skin. Hello, beautiful skin and clothes!

Seems like a lot of products? Don’t fret! Imperial Valet is here to wash all your worries and dirty laundry away by offering professional laundry wash and fold, commercial laundry, and linens cleaning services at the lowest price. Contact us today and schedule your pickup.




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