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How to Preserve Your Wedding Gown So You Look Spectacular

How to Preserve Your Wedding Gown So You Look Spectacular

woman in wedding dress
1 Jan

How to Preserve Your Wedding Gown So You Look Spectacular

A wedding dress is no ordinary dress. Not only is it made to look gorgeous, with all these fancy fabrics and elaborate designs, it also holds a lot of emotion and memories, so it makes sense that one would want to preserve it and keep it safe.

But because of those intricate designs, wedding dresses are very delicate and not so easy to take care of. Here are some tips on how to preserve your wedding gown and keep it safe, so if you ever decide to wear it again, you can look just as great as you did on your wedding day.


Keep It In an Airtight Box

Over time, the threads and fibers of your wedding dress may start to get discolored due to oxidation. This is natural, and happens to all clothes, but with white fabric, it is much more visible. To prevent this, you should keep your dress in an airtight box that is acid-free, and has had the oxygen sucked out of it. Also keep your dress wrapped in paper for extra protection.

To make sure nothing can get to it, you also want to make sure the seal remains tight. If you do break it for any reason – such as to show a friend or your child, years down the line – you’ll have to go through the entire process of preserving it once again.


Cool Dark Place

Make sure you keep your dress in a cool and dark place. Even after you’ve preserved it in an airtight box, you want to keep it a place with an appropriate temperature! Put your dress in a place where you know the temperature will be cool and dry at all times – attics and basements may be your first thought, but keep in mind that different seasons could cause the temperature in these places to change as well.

Regardless of what you choose, definitely don’t keep your dress hanging in your closet. That’s a surefire way to have all your hard work ruined.


Get It Dry Cleaned Immediately

Most importantly, don’t wait around after your wedding to get it cleaned! You may think it’s not necessary, but if you wait too long, any stains on the dress can start to set in, which make them a lot more difficult to remove. If you can’t hand it over to the dry cleaners yourself, get a friend or family member to do it!

In fact, dry cleaners can also pick out invisible stains, such as white wine or other such drinks that may not be visible immediately, but contain sugar that starts to caramelize over time. Getting rid of these stains is necessary to keep your dress safe!

Sterling Cleaners can provide you the best dry cleaning service in DC, and make sure your wedding dress can be preserved and kept safe. Contact us now and let us take care of your precious dress for you!

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