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How To Get That Old Money Aesthetic On a Budget?

How To Get That Old Money Aesthetic On a Budget?

6 Jun

How To Get That Old Money Aesthetic On a Budget?

We hear the term “old money aesthetic” quite a lot these days as there is an excess of content explaining how one can achieve the old money aesthetic. In order to understand this trend, it is important to remember that finer fabrics and refined details have long been covered by the upper class.

In order to achieve the old money aesthetic, we must first explore what it means and also find out how investing in quality fabrics and tending to them with dry cleaning services in DC can help you achieve the ‘old money aesthetic’.


Embrace Classic Fabrics

The old-money aesthetic is best characterized by the use of classic fabrics in style. The focus is more on the durability of the clothing items and the sleek and refined look. This is best achieved by fabrics such as tweed, cashmere, and silk. In order to embody the old money aesthetic, your wardrobe must include some classic pieces. But you don’t need to break the bank for this. You can also find classic clothing articles in thrift stores and use dry cleaning services in DC to rejuvenate these items for daily use.


Pay Attention To Quality

Old money aesthetic is not about wearing the brightest and boldest items. It is more about signifying that all your pieces are of the best quality. Quality for the elite has to do with clothing items that stand the test of time. This is not true for fast fashion where low quality is the pillar of trade, ensuring that items are designed to only last a season and keep consumers coming back for more. Old money aesthetic is more valuable because it is more durable, not because it is more expensive.


Adopt Clean Silhouettes

If you want to adopt the old money aesthetic, you need to purge your wardrobe of ill-fitted items. Make room for clean, custom silhouettes. This can best be described by tailored wide-leg trousers, blazers, slip dresses, and crisp white button-downs.

Items such as these can stay in your wardrobe for generations if they are taken care of. You can use our dry cleaning services in DC to ensure all your items remain in pristine condition.


a picture of high quality fabrics 


Care for Your Fabrics

Caring for your fabrics is the cornerstone of old money aesthetic because all the items that you wear are made to last ages, and essentially taken care of. In order to ensure that your investment pieces remain presentable for longer you need to consider investing in dry cleaning services in DC.

Imperial Valet Services Inc. ensures that your garments are takencare of so that you can always look as elegant as possible, and without spending a fortune.

Call now to use our dry cleaning services in DC.

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