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How to Deal with that Pile of Laundry?

How to Deal with that Pile of Laundry?

Get the best wash and fold laundry service in DC
12 Dec

How to Deal with that Pile of Laundry?

Are you a lazy bum when it comes to laundry? Well, who isn’t! Laundry is the most disliked chore by (many) people. To be honest, there’s nothing more frustrating than having a huge pile of laundry to deal with.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the best ways to stop procrastinating is making a schedule and sticking to it. This includes setting specific days for doing your laundry. Once you have everything written down, it will be easier to follow through with what you have planned. 

Plan Your Daily Wardrobe

Decide what you’re going to wear each day and work backward from there. This will help you focus on which items need to be washed first.

Divide and Conquer!

It might be helpful to divide your laundry pile into smaller tasks. Sort the laundry into piles. This will make the job less daunting, and it might seem more manageable. For example, you can separate your clothes by color, type of fabric, or by how dirty they are. Only by sorting your laundry can you assure that it’s clean when finished.

Invest in Some Funky Storage Containers

If you tend to procrastinate when it comes to cleaning, one way to avoid this is by investing in some cool storage containers that will motivate you to do your laundry. This way, you can declutter your room and have a designated space for your laundry. 

As Easy as 1,2,3

Start with the easiest pile first. This can be the pile of laundry that you can wash in cold water or the pile of laundry that doesn’t need to be ironed since the fabric is wrinkle-free. Opting for smart fabrics like these can save you a lot of time and money!

Load it Up

Wash similar items together. This will help to avoid color bleeding or fabric fading. It can even reduce wrinkles! For example, wash all of your towels with other towels instead of pairing them up with clothes that you never want to wrinkle. 

Organize Your Laundry Room and Supplies

In order to tackle your ever-growing laundry pile, having a well-organized and welcoming laundry space is essential. Even the most basic of laundry rooms can make a world of difference when it comes to getting your clothes clean.

Involve Your Kids

Your children can help you tackle the laundry pile. Giving your children age-appropriate responsibilities may relieve you of some of the stress while also providing them with valuable life lessons.

Get professional dry-cleaning in DC


If your pile of clothes is bigger than what you can handle, the Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners are here to the rescue! We offer top-quality wash and fold laundry service in Dc. Our professional dry cleaning and alterations will leave you tension-free and depending on our service. Contact us now for a free laundry pickup and delivery service in DC.


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