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Here’s Why You CANNOT Wash Leather and Suede At Home!

Here’s Why You CANNOT Wash Leather and Suede At Home!

2 Feb

Here’s Why You CANNOT Wash Leather and Suede At Home!

Leather and suede cleaning is no ordinary feat. Storing and maintaining articles made of these materials is already hard enough. This is because leather loses luster easily while suede gathers dust and ruffles around the edges.

Cleaning these materials with water or water-based products exposes them to deep damage. Leather has an oily texture, and water draws out this viscosity. It makes the leather stiff and prone to deformation.

Suede hairs tend to get rugged and coarse when wet and will begin to break off when wet. Drying wet suede takes a lot of time and should be done properly to prevent permanent damage.

Using water as a cleaning agent is just one of the many mistakes people make when servicing high-maintenance leather and suede items. These materials require temperature control, specialized treatment products, and facilities. Without all these considerations, you are very likely to damage expensive articles. So, if you think you’re saving money here, it’s quite the penny-wise, pound-foolish way to go about things.


Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services

There are several benefits of opting for professional cleaning services, but mostly they all revolve around maintaining the quality of your items. Let’s take a look at some benefits of hiring professional cleaning services for your suede and leather items:


Leather and Suede jackets hanging on a rack


  1. Time-Saving: Cleaning these materials takes a lot of time, and after that, drying them is them is another mammoth challenge. A professional service provider is much better equipped to deal with this, and you can easily schedulewhen you want it done.
  2. Specialized treatment: Most products will need specialized treatment to remove marks and stains. Stains can be of different types and need detailed cleaning. Professional dry cleaning services in DC, like Sterling Cleaners, will provide focused treatment.
  3. Product range: A household name in dry cleaning services, Sterling Cleaners uses the best products, which include gentle conditioners and oils to preserve the look and feel of your articles. They treat dye and color separately.

Need Help With Leather and Suede Cleaning? We Can Help!

The best commercial laundry in Washington Metropolitan is at your service. According to NY Times, you can clean suede shoes at home, but this is a long, arduous, and untrustworthy process that might leave you with permanent and expensive damage.

The bible of fashion, Vogue Magazine, also recommends leaving Suede cleaning to the professionals. Whereas for leather at home, you would have to invest in several leather cleaning products like a leather cleaning brush, protective oil, or wax.

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