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Expert Laundry Tricks To Save Your Clothes And Make Them Last Longer

Expert Laundry Tricks To Save Your Clothes And Make Them Last Longer

A woman washing a colored item in a washing machine
10 Oct

Expert Laundry Tricks To Save Your Clothes And Make Them Last Longer

1. Read Your Fabric Labels

Only an experienced dry cleaning expert is allowed to skip instructions. A fabric label carries important information regarding how to treat, wash, and dry your clothing items. Different fabrics have different manufacturing and weaving styles, so considering the temperature, washing solution, and drying methods is crucial to making your items last longer.

Generally, a label has all the important information to help you from step one. If you are still confused, you should contact a professional for help.


2. Sort Your Laundry

Your clothes will tumble around in the washing machine as they are washed. Sharp metal items on some items, such as zippers and pins, may damage delicate items such as a chiffon blouse or other fragile clothing.

Another benefit of classifying your clothes is to make sure that different fabrics can be treated accordingly. For instance, you would not want your wool socks to be in temperatures over 30 degrees, where they can easily be damaged.


3. Treat your delicates delicately

A mesh bag is a great idea to wash your delicates in. Lingerie and underwear items can get damaged or ripped upon heavy tumbling in the washing machine tub. Instead, a mesh bag keeps them together while also washing them efficiently.

Putting all your delicate items together makes you less likely to lose them. Smaller items such as baby socks, bibs, and rompers can also be washed in a mesh bag to avoid misplacing them with bigger clothing items.


4. Avoid overloading the washer

Wanting to get rid of a load of laundry is not the best way to wash your clothes. A pile of clothes is difficult to clean, and clothes rubbing together could also potentially harm the fabric.

Do laundry in sections so your clothes are washed more efficiently. Additionally, the quicker you wash your clothes after use, the easier it will be to rid them of any stains because it is easier to treat new stains than stubborn, older ones. If your load is too complex, dry cleaning services might be able to help you out.


 load of washed clothes stacked on a shelf

Sterling Cleaners Are Your Laundry Partner!

If you are struggling with washing your items, send them over to us! We offer commercial laundry and residential washing services for our clients in Washington. Our team of experts spot-treats your items, so you don’t have to worry about stains or dirt on your clothes. Our facilities also include professional laundry wash and fold, commercial laundry, and shoe repair services for individuals and businesses.

You can contact us to know more about our services or check to learn more about us here.

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