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Disinfecting Your Clothes During the Pandemic

Disinfecting Your Clothes During the Pandemic

6 Jun

Disinfecting Your Clothes During the Pandemic

There are no doubts that COVID-19’s effect on the world was severe. Initial reports showed us how it ravaged the whole globe. Thus, households and businesses alike must take precautions.

Countless ways and ideas— some conventional and some rather unorthodox— have been adopted by people around the globe. One such practice is disinfecting clothes. Research indicates that COVID-19 can survive on various surfaces—including clothes. However, it is unclear for how long.

How to Disinfect Your Clothes

There are various medically approved measures you can take to disinfect your clothes:

  • First of all, you need to ensure that the utmost care is taken as far as sanitization goes. Wearing gloves and throwing them away after washing the clothes is one example.
  • There are various chemicals as well which can be used as disinfectants. However, a downside to this is that the quality and the texture of the material may deteriorate. This is where households as well as businesses become limited in terms of the options available to them.
  • Yet another consideration – which is WHO-approved – is that you wash clothes using the water in the warmest setting. This reduces the time period for which the virus may possibly survive on the surface of the material.

Laundry drop-off services to the rescue!

If you feel unsafe while stepping out of your home and visiting our store location, do not worry. Our laundry pickup and delivery services are free, so you do not have to think about how much more money you would have to spend for this service to stay on the safe side while the pandemic still rages on.

We at Imperial Valet understand the importance of the trust our customers place in us; therefore, we believe it is our ethical duty as well to help out whenever and wherever we can.

We have also updated our website to include the precautionary steps that we take at all times in the services that we provide.  Get in touch with us today by reaching out to us via our 24/7 customer service or our online form for requesting a service.


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