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Always Dry Clean These Fabrics if You Want to Keep Them for Long

Always Dry Clean These Fabrics if You Want to Keep Them for Long

Image showing dry cleaning service dc
10 Oct

Always Dry Clean These Fabrics if You Want to Keep Them for Long

Dry cleaning is not just a blessing for busy professionals but also the ultimate savior for several types of fabrics.

Some types of clothes cannot be washed and cleaned using typical detergents and washing methods; they require extra care. These fabric types can be destroyed beyond repair if they’re washed with regular laundry.

Here are some fabrics that must always only be dry cleaned in order to maintain their life and beauty.

Silk, Woolen, Knitted and Some Other Fabric Types

Woolen clothes can lose their original size and shrink if they’re laundered at home.

Clothes made of silk, suede, leather or velvet can lose integrity and their look if they’re washed with harsh detergents.

Knitted and open weave sweaters can get stretched and become irregularly shaped. Furthermore, you can increase the lifespan of your rayon clothes if you dry clean them.

Image showing free dry cleaning pick up and delivery dc

 Discolored White Articles

You don’t need to throw away your best-fitting shirt because it lost its brightness; you can get it dry cleaned!

Your once-white clothes that now unabashedly sports a yellowish tinge can get their brilliance back with specially created top-quality products used during professional dry cleaning.

Beaded, Sequined, or Other Fancy Clothes

Your favorite gown with beautiful and detailed work of sequins can turn into a mess after just one or two washes at home.

Invest in a reliable dry cleaner to preserve the loop construction, fragile stitching, and other details that glorify your fancy clothes.

Embroidered Clothes

Image showing dry cleaning services in Washington

Embroideries are done using different types of threads and flosses. Some of them are prone to discoloring when washed using detergents.

This is why it’s effective to get your heavily embroidered garments dry cleaned to keep them from getting damaged. Dresses with metallic embroidery often lose their sheen after the first second or second wash.

Looking for a top-quality dry cleaning in DC for your “only dry clean” clothes? Imperial Valet Services is here to help!

We offer free dry cleaning pickup and delivery in DC to keep you worry-free about your clothes. Our wide range of services also includes shoe repair, suede and leather cleaning, laundry wash and fold, and commercial laundry. Call us at (202) 785-1444 for more information!

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