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5 Tips to Take Care of Your Formal Shoes

5 Tips to Take Care of Your Formal Shoes

1 Jan

5 Tips to Take Care of Your Formal Shoes

The best fashion advice you’ll ever get is to look after the most comfortable and precious shoes you own.  Here are some tips on how you can care for your favorite pair of footwear:

1.     Learn About Your Shoe

To take care of anything wearable, you must be aware of what goes into making it. Be familiar with the products used to make your footwear to determine the products you need to maintain them.

2.     Use a Weather Protectant

It’s always a good practice to spray your new pair of shoes with a weather protectant, especially if they’re made of suede. The spray will help protect them from environmental elements, thereby sustaining your shoes for longer.

3.     Add Rubber Soles

If you wear the same shoes for long hours and on hard surfaces like concrete, make sure to add rubber soles to your shoes. Since soles are difficult to repair when worn off, the rubber soles will help your shoes last longer. After all, an extra layering never hurts!


black leather booths with a glass heel


4.     Air Them Out

Make sure to air out your shoes in the sun after every wear, especially if they get wet. Air drying them will help get rid of any unpleasant odors.
Drying the shoes with a heating source like a heater or keeping them by the fire will dry them out and cause some fabrics to wrinkle and form cracks.

5.     Don’t Overuse Them

Switch up your formal shoes every now and then. Wearing the same shoes every day won’t allow your shoes to dry out or deodorize thoroughly.

Plus, overusing the shoes can cause them to lose their shape and grip much quicker, so make sure to have a second pair to rotate with.

Shoe Repair Services in Washington DC

If you’re looking for ways to look after your favorite pair of shoes, head over to Sterling Cleaners. We offer shoe repair and cleaning services for all kinds of shoes, be it leather, canvas, rubber, or suede. We also offer green, eco-friendly dry-cleaning, pressing, and laundry services with pickup and delivery. Contact us now and schedule your pickup today!

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