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4 Tips To Save On Dry Cleaning

4 Tips To Save On Dry Cleaning

Several white shirts hung together
1 Jan

4 Tips To Save On Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is a necessary treatment for some of your clothing, especially for those fabrics that get damaged if regular detergents come into contact with them. But dry cleaning can be expensive if you’re regularly in need of fresh clothes that are ready to wear.

That’s why we’ve come up with methods for saving on dry cleaning that you can use for your clothing’s longevity. So, without further ado, here are four tips to help you save on dry cleaning.


1. Learn About Your Fabrics

The first thing to save on dry cleaning is to know how different fabrics respond to wet and dry cleaning. Soft fabrics and textiles containing plastics should ideally be dry cleaned, or they’ll lose their vibrancy, i.e., velvet, silk, and acetate, among others.

On the other hand, knowing which fabrics don’t require dry cleaning can help you save costs too. Some examples of these materials include nylon, cotton, and spandex including some others.


2. Repeat “Dry Cleaning Only” Clothing

This tip is for those of you who throw your clothing in the laundry after wearing them once. Unless you’ve sweat excessively and worn an item for longer than a couple of hours, your clothing tagged “dry-cleaning only” does not need to be dry-cleaned.

This way, you should be able to wear the same clothes at least once more before they’re ready to be sent to the laundromat, which will reduce money spent on dry-cleaning every month.


A person adding detergent and loading a washing machine


3. Hanging And Storage

Another way of preserving clothes to avoid frequently sending them for dry-cleaning is to hang or store them properly. To keep your clothes in good condition, you’ll need strong hangers and a dry space where they can be hung. Remember, your clothes should not be under direct sunlight as some clothing will get damaged because of it.


4. Use Steamers

Sometimes your clothes might come out of the closet wrinkly and disheveled. But for some fabrics, using an iron to straighten the wrinkles out might cause more harm than good. That’s why we suggest the use of steamers to take wrinkles out easily without causing damage to your clothing and also help you with saving on dry-cleaning.

In search of an affordable yet effective dry-cleaning service in Washington DC’sMetropolitan area? You won’t need to look any further than Imperial Valet Services, where we offer a comprehensive set of laundromat services. Our services include shoe repair, pick-up & delivery, suede & leather cleaning, and laundry wash & fold services, among others.

Our customer service officers are available for you 24/7, so don’t hesitate to give us a call to find out more about what we offer.

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