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3 Things To Remember When Storing Linen

3 Things To Remember When Storing Linen

11 Nov

3 Things To Remember When Storing Linen

Linen is a strong natural fiber known for its breathable and absorbent qualities. It is also biodegradable, which makes it a popular choice for personal and business use.

Linen is also known to be a luxurious fabric because it requires special care when storing. To maintain quality and functionality, many dry cleaning and washing facilities handle linen with extra care compared to similar fabrics like cotton.

This blog discusses some storage tips to make your linens last longer and how professional dry cleaning and pressing services can help.


Store in a dry and dark space

Use a linen closet to properly store your delicate linens. If you don’t have a dedicated closet, you can use other alternatives, such as a storage trunk in your bedroom, a shelved space in your closet, or even a boxed container under your bed. Dry, covered spaces retain the quality of linens and help them last longer.


A white linen bed sheet and bed covers


Invest in a fabric-friendly container

Containers that keep dust and dirt out will protect your linens and retain their quality. White fabric bags are a great way to ensure fresh linens every time you use them. You can also use acid-free paper to improve circulation between your sheets for thorough washing. You can also use pillowcases for linen storage if you’re not willing to spend extra on storage containers.


Avoid plastic storage boxes

Plastic storage boxes are a no-no when storing linens. Your plain linens are prone to developing yellowing and stains when they come in contact with plastic. For longer-lasting linens, get a linen closet or fabric bags.

Linens add a touch of class to your household. They are fresh yet soft to the feel but need to be stored properly for the longevity of the fabric. For best linen practices, find a dry cleaning service near you for expert tips.


Get Professional Assistance With Sterling Cleaners For Your Dry Cleaning Needs!

At Sterling Cleaners, we work with a team of professional dry cleaners and tailors to help you get the best out of your clothing items. We provide professional dry cleaning and pressing services, shoe repair, and commercial laundry facilities in Washington, DC. With over 80 years of experience, we also offer free laundry pick-and-drop services for our residential and commercial clients in the area.

Get in touch with us today and request a free quote for your services. You can also click here to learn more about us.

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