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3 Reasons To Get Your Vintage Wedding Dress Restored

3 Reasons To Get Your Vintage Wedding Dress Restored

2 Feb

3 Reasons To Get Your Vintage Wedding Dress Restored

A wedding day is one of the happiest moments in a couple’s life. But what happens to the clothes after the wedding festivities are over? They will likely end up in a trunk in the attic, forgotten until you clean the attic.

Since wedding gowns have a lot of sentiments and memories attached to them, they deserve to be held on to. But how do you make them look just as good as the day you bought them? This is where wedding dress restoration comes in.

Wedding Dress Restoration:

Restoring a wedding dress involves a process performed on wedding gowns purchased and worn more than 15 years ago. Older gowns are made of delicate natural fabrics that may seem fine to the naked eye but are wearing down at a microscopic level.

Vintage dresses may degrade faster, and gowns stored in the attic will suffer from dry rot because of humidity exposure.

The restoration process helps bring your wedding gown back to life and reverses all the damage using special solvents that help it last longer.

Here are three reasons you should invest in wedding dress restoration:

Creates A Tradition:

Wearing a gown that belonged to your mother or grandmother can help you feel more connected to them, especially if you repurpose their wedding gown for your own wedding.

Most teenage girls will attend prom in a dress that belonged to their mother, but wedding gowns are even more sentimental.

Take a cue from this Pennsylvania family where 11 women wore the same 120-year old wedding dress as a tradition.

It’s A Historical Keepsake:

Restored antique wedding dresses are valuable and can be donated to historical or textile museums or a costume designer who will tell others about the gown’s story.

Since museums allow people to learn about history through tangible, real items, a wedding gown and its story can also help people learn about the past.

According to UNESCO, tangible history allows people to touch a piece of the past and feel connected to older generations. A wedding dress may be part of your family’s history, but it also represents the fashion of a specific time period.

Additionally, vintage clothing helps costume designers gather inspiration for historical plays and films, and a genuine antique wedding dress will allow them to be more authentic in their recreation.

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