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How Does a Commercial Laundry Service Save Your Time?

How Does a Commercial Laundry Service Save Your Time?

Washing Machines
8 Aug

How Does a Commercial Laundry Service Save Your Time?

Most businesses just don’t have the time and the resources to manage their laundry needs in-house. It requires having a dedicated space for laundry, investing in washers and dryers, and hiring additional personnel. This is why a commercial laundry service is the best option as it is both economical and convenient.

According to research, Commercial laundries have played an important role in speeding up the process of washing large volumes of clothing and linens while also significantly reducing the cost. Moreover, apart from saving money and time, commercial laundry has been touted for its significant positive impact on the environment. On average, a commercial washing machine only uses 34.74 thousand gallons of water. As a result, it saves 9.3 to 29.6 gallons of water.

Here is a concise guide on commercial laundry service that elaborates upon how commercial laundry service saves your time.

Training the Staff Member is time-consumming

Laundry process involves proper measurement and maintenance to ensure the service is running smoothly. Therefore, you will be required to spend time going through an extensive recruitment process to find the right person who is also willing to spend ample time in training other staff members.

More Work For Your Staff

Volume limitation is also a hiccup that you might face every now and then if you opt for an in-house laundry service. If you face a business rush and the supply of linen gets low, the laundry staff members would be put under insurmountable pressure. As a result, they might have to work late to get the work done, and extra labor warrants extra pay.

Save your Minutes of Labor Each Day

Another reason why you should opt for commercial laundry is that by outsourcing laundry you can use that time and labor to do something else. This provides a great opportunity to look for activities that can generate more revenue for your business. Moreover, you will not have to deal with in-house laundry service bills.

If you are looking for commercial laundry services DC, then we would suggest you check out our commercial laundry service as have an extensive experience. In order to have more information about our services and to get quote you can also contact us on (202) 785-1444.


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