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Caring For Your Suede Shoes Will Make Them Last Longer

Caring For Your Suede Shoes Will Make Them Last Longer

Suede Shoes
7 Jul

Caring For Your Suede Shoes Will Make Them Last Longer

It turns soggy in bad weather and discolors upon the smallest of splashes—it is not surprising that a large number of people avoid suede shoes.

But don’t be too quick to dismiss this humble footwear material just because of these reasons.

Even though buying suede shoes can a little intimidating, it is unlikely that you will find as lightweight and finely textured shoes in any other material. All the maintenance is definitely worth it.

If you have a pair of suede shoes you absolutely adore, a few simple can make them last long.

Avoiding Rain and Snow

May people avoid buying suede shoes because they think they wouldn’t be able to wear it in the rain or snow. That’s not true. Investing in a protective spray that also acts as a repellant allows you to wear it wherever you want. However, on days when it is pouring heavy, it is best to leave them at home.

What To Do If It Gets Wet?

It is best to let your suede shoes dry naturally. If there are patches where it is excessively wet, dab it with a dry cloth. You can also stuff wet suede shoes in with paper, in their own shape and store them safely where they can dry out. Keep them away from all sources of heat.

If There Are Ink Marks On Your Shoes

When you make it home brush the stain softly with a suede brush. If it is a harder type of suede, use a suede eraser. Do this before the ink makes it through the upper layer. Once done, spray them with a suede polish to regain the shine.

Keeping It Soft

Suede typically hardens when it is excessively exposed to dust. If you brush your suede on a daily basis, it will allow you to retain the look. Keeping them in shape is all about caring and looking after them.


Keep suede shoes stored in dust bags as it will let air in. Avoid storing them in plastic bags as this could lead to accumulation of humidity.

While most marks come out with simple cleaning, there will be times when you lose hope and don’t know what to do. This is where we come in. At Imperial Valet, we offer shoe repair in DC, along with our laundry pickup and delivery DC services. Give us a call to learn more.

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