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Yes, We Accept Massive Quilts for Laundry! What Your Laundry Service Can Tell You About Your Clothing

Yes, We Accept Massive Quilts for Laundry! What Your Laundry Service Can Tell You About Your Clothing

dry cleaning services in Washington
1 Jan

Yes, We Accept Massive Quilts for Laundry! What Your Laundry Service Can Tell You About Your Clothing

As dry cleaners, we get our fair share of clothes, shoes, and even the odd pairs of socks to clean. So we’ve amassed a ton of knowledge that is beneficial to customers.

In our 70 years of service, Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners has come across plenty of customers who ask the same questions. So here’s a list of all the things your friendly neighborhood Washington D.C. laundry service wants you to know about your clothing!

What Can I Get Dry Cleaned?

Apart from your average suits, shirts, and day dresses, you can also get wedding gowns, winter clothes, quilts, and even oriental rugs dry-cleaned.

The only caveat is that whatever item you leave with us has to be packed nicely. After that, it’s up to us to get it transported to the site for cleaning.

Image showing dry cleaning services dc

For How Long Can I Leave My Clothes at the Dry Cleaner’s?

Typically, your dry cleaner will hold on to your clothes for six months, before they’ll donate them.

Though some dry cleaners do try to keep orders for longer—in case clients show up—don’t expect to come back 3–4 years later, asking for that blanket you forgot you’d given in for cleaning.

Can I Really Not Get My Cashmere Sweater Dry Cleaned?

While some dry cleaning services might not be equipped to clean delicate fabrics like lace or cashmere, we can do so impeccably.

Instead of risking damage to your cashmere sweater by washing it at home, it’s a much safer bet to bring it to the professionals so they can give it the care it deserves.

What’s the Worst Stain You’ve Cleaned?

If you’re embarrassed about a ketchup stain that’s in a very unfortunate spot, don’t be—we’ve seen much worse.

Having been in the business for so long, we’ve handled everything from dog urine to vomit and more.

Typically, if something is severely stained, we keep it separate from other clothes and use additional precautions when cleaning it.

But otherwise, we don’t judge you for the stains your clothes have on them. So don’t worry. Just let us know beforehand if any of your clothes have an ink stain. Those are the worst to get out.

Image showing dry cleaning service dc

Do DIY Cleaning Tricks Work?

Not if you want to save your clothes from extensive damage!

While the ol’ lemon and vinegar trick might work on stubborn stains on tiles, your clothes are a lot more delicate and susceptible to damage. So save yourself the trouble and bring your clothes to the cleaner.

Don’t risk your expensive dress just because you wanted to save a little on the cleaning bill!

Bring Your Laundry to Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners

Located in Washington D.C.?

Apart from dry cleaning, we provide wedding gown alteration, shoe repair and a number of other services to make your life easier. So bring your garments down to our store! Your clothes will be good as new!

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