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What The Dry Cleaning Process Really Is

What The Dry Cleaning Process Really Is

A dry cleaning shop with cleaned clothes
10 Oct

What The Dry Cleaning Process Really Is

What’s the first thought in your mind when you get a stubborn stain on your shirt? I’ll take it for dry cleaning!

Dry cleaning really is magic, but do you know it does not clean clothes with water? Yes, dry cleaning involves using solvents to remove stains and make your clothes look new. Many people go to dry cleaners every week, but barely any of them know what happens there.

Our dry cleaning services in Washington, DC, follow the same process. We’re here to make your clothes look new, so call us today!

This post will tell you how dry cleaning works.


How Dry Cleaning Works?


1. Tagging the Garments

The clothes are tagged with a unique number for identification. Dry cleaners get hundreds of clothes daily, and tagging them all allows easy tracking. They don’t end up giving the wrong item to the wrong person and save everyone from the hassle.


2. Stains are Marked for Pre-Treatment

All clothes are inspected, and the stains are marked before pre-treatment. It involves special chemicals to remove stains from a particular fabric. The buttons and embellishments are covered with a soft cloth to prevent them from damage. It’s a long process to make your clothes look new again.

Dry cleaning machines used by experts


3. Clothes are Placed into the Dry Cleaning Machine

After pre-treatment, the clothes are placed into the dry cleaning machine for cleaning. The dry cleaner puts the solvent into the pumping machine to start the cleaning process. The machines are larger than normal washing machines but have the same spinning function.


4. Checking If Stains Have Vanished

Once the process is complete, the clothes are inspected again to check if the stains have vanished or not. The seams, embellishments, and buttons are also checked for damage.


5. Final Finishes

Lastly, the clothes are ironed, steamed, or pressed depending on the clothes’ fabric. The garments are inspected for the last time and placed with the tag to be delivered. The customer can either pick up the clothes or the dry cleaners will deliver them.


Looking for Dry Cleaning Services Near You In Washington, DC?

We offer affordable laundry wash and fold, wedding gown preservation, shoe repair and shine, and dry cleaning & alteration services in Washington, DC. We offer free pick-up and delivery service, so call us now to book our services!

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