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Type of Clothes That Can Only Be Dry Cleaned

Type of Clothes That Can Only Be Dry Cleaned

Neatly cleaned and folded towels
6 Jun

Type of Clothes That Can Only Be Dry Cleaned

Although almost every house in the US has a washing machine, dry cleaning is a lucrative business that’s constantly growing. Stats show that laundry and dry cleaning businesses have enjoyed growth despite the impact of the pandemic on the economy. According to the latest figures, 33,000 single location companies are already operating in different areas of the country, and 22,000 of these companies also offer retail services.

This is partly because certain types of clothes cannot be washed at home and require professional dry cleaning services only. This blog post will explain how dry cleaning works and highlight some of the common types of clothes that can only be dry cleaned.

What is Dry Cleaning?

When you hear the word dry cleaning, you might think that no liquid solution is involved in the process. However, that’s not true. In fact, the dry cleaning process is more or less the same as regular laundry cleaning that you do at home. However, the only difference is that dry cleaners don’t use the regular detergents that you do at home. Instead, they pour a liquid solvent on your clothes instead of water, and it quickly takes away all the stains and evaporates. The clothes do get wet, but only for a while and not with water.

Why is Dry Cleaning Better?

Dry cleaning is better for some clothes because exposure to water and detergent can damage the clothes, take away their shine and affect their appearance. It’s ideal for removing stubborn stains of oils and similar substances that aren’t easy to deal with otherwise. In fact, there’s no harsh rubbing or scratching involved in the process.

Which Clothes Should Be Dry Cleaned?

Although you can dry clean any clothes that you wish, it’s particularly suitable for certain types of clothes. It’s advisable to dry clean and protect from water any clothes that are made using silk, taffeta, velvet, wool, acetate, and similar fabrics that may contain any traces of silk, rayon, or wool. Most clothes made from these fabrics will state that they need to be dry cleaned only. However, you can also consider dry cleaning any clothes that you’d like to last longer.

Can You Dry Clean at Home?

Although you can buy the solvents available in the market and dry clean at home, it’s advisable to hire a professional dry cleaning service. Some fumes are released in the process that might not be good for your health. Besides, you’ll not get the best results like you will if you hire professionals for the job.

At Imperial Valet, you can benefit from our quality laundry services, suede and leather cleaning services, and much more. We also provide shoe repair and shine, commercial laundry, and many other services in Washington DC. Reach out to us to get estimated rates.

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