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Suede Got Wet? Here’s How You Save It…

Suede Got Wet? Here’s How You Save It…

8 Aug

Suede Got Wet? Here’s How You Save It…

At times, even when you are sure that it is going to rain, you just feel like going out in your suede boots. More than often, this ends up soaking and ruining them.

Not to worry. Our shoe repair pros shed light on a few tips to help you care for your damp suede shoes, and possibly even save them from ruining completely.

At the end of the day, if you can’t repair them, we can help:

Blot it!

The most practical way to soak up all the moisture is by using a microfiber cloth or towel. You can also use a piece of toilet paper in worst-case scenarios. The goal here is to soak up all the water. Also, make sure that you don’t rub, but blot – slowly.

Never let wet suede shoes dry up themselves. The chances of you being able to revive them depend largely on how soon you dry them up.

Pull out a soft bristle brush

Although most of us have a soft bristle brush in some corner of our homes, if you don’t, head out to the local drug store and get a soft bristle toothbrush. Now brush the suede shoe in circular motion for a few minutes. Don’t put too much pressure; keep the brush pressed on the surface of the shoe softly.

leather bootsTime to dry up

Continue to brush the shoe with the soft bristle brush under a hand dryer. Remember to only do this after you have blotted out most of the water.

The idea here is to revive it before it dries and hardens. If it does, it might be too difficult to save.

Protect it

Once your suede shoes have dried up, use a commercial suede cleaning solution to protect it. Preferably go for a solution that also offers water repellent and stain repellent features. This way, it will be much easier to deal with the damage next time you are caught in the rain.

If you are unaware on how to care for your suede shoes, we can help. We offer leading shoe repair in DC for all our customers. On the other hand, if you also own a couple suede jackets, here is an additional tip; never machine-wash them. Only let professional dry cleaning services likes ours take care of your suede jackets and preserve their looks.

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