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Secrets to Avoiding Dry Cleaning Mistakes

Secrets to Avoiding Dry Cleaning Mistakes

Woman standing in a Laundromat
7 Jul

Secrets to Avoiding Dry Cleaning Mistakes

Over time many people have turned to dry cleaning services to get their clothes cleaned. It’s a hassle-free way to do laundry and spend time with one’s loved ones. However, when people do try to dry clean their clothes, they often make mistakes.

We’ve listed some of the most common mistakes that you can avoid during dry cleaning:

1. Not Knowing Which Clothes Need Dry Cleaning

Different materials like wool and leather are used to manufacture different clothes. But always remember not every material is appropriate for dry cleaning. So, it’s essential to know which clothing should be dry cleaned and which requires hand washing.

2. Not Emptying Pockets

Your clothes can get damaged beyond recovery if you’ve got stuff in your pockets. For example, if there’s a pen in your pocket that you forgot to take out, the ink can get mixed in the washing solvents, damaging your pants permanently.

4. Not Being Completely Aware Of Stains

Do you expect that all stains from your clothes will be removed after dry cleaning? Unfortunately, that’s not possible. Some stains can’t be removed even after dry cleaning.

5. Not Following Instructions While Doing Dry Cleaning At Home

You might consider using consumer-grade products at home while dry cleaning your clothing. But, not all products can be compatible with the material of your clothes. It’s always best if you hire the services of a professional dry cleaning service provider.

Woman holding her clothes

6. Choosing the Wrong Dry Cleaning Company

You must have several options on your list for dry cleaning services, it’s essential that you keep your priorities in mind and then look for the best. There’s no denying that there are several companies that are offering the same services but always choose the one that suits your needs.

Get Exceptional Dry Cleaning Services at Sterling Cleaners!

We at Sterling Cleaners provide a wide range of dry cleaning and alteration services. We’ve been in the dry cleaning industry for more than eighty years now, and are proud to have served numerous happy customers in Washington, DC. If you’re looking for someone to give your clothes a fresh look, look no further.

Get in touch with us today!

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