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School Uniforms Need The Extra Care

School Uniforms Need The Extra Care

School Uniforms
4 Apr

School Uniforms Need The Extra Care

If you are a parent of kids who go to school, you are familiar with the sight of smudged and stained uniforms.

They tend to get quite creative with messing up almost every piece of their ensemble; from school-ground dirt to that paint incident in their art class.

While you have to let kids be kids, as a parent, the task of dealing with messed up uniforms is a hassle; they are pretty expensive to replace.

Thankfully, there are ways to fix and mend everything – from simple shirts stains to blazers scuffs. And then there is the general upkeep routine to ensure that uniforms do not wear out fast.

Stains and smudges

Mud and Grass

Most school uniforms include white pieces, mostly shirts, which kids seem to think pair very well with the rich colors of mud and grass, seeing are these make an appearance every day. Which is why using machine wash is a bad idea, constant exposure to wash-cycles will thin the fabric.

Ink and Paint

Another reason why white is a terrible color for uniforms, ink and paint colors are sharp contrasts. Unlike mud and grass stains, these tend to blend deeper into the fabric. You’ll need to use a detergent with whitening agent, and treat it the same way as mud stains. However, note that this is for fresh stains. Stains left unwashed for long bleed the color dyes, and need professionals to sort them out.

Adorning pieces – buttons and emblems

Because a two-piece uniform is too simple, students need additional vests and blazers to complete the G-man look schools seem to be aiming for.

These look stylish enough, but blazers and vests require extra care. Repairing these is costly and time-consuming.

  • Most uniform suppliers provide extra buttons, but more of these may be pulled off. A good practice is to sew the buttons more firmly on the new outer pieces.
  • Another preserving tip is to paint clear nail polish on the buttons, getting preventing the button from getting scratched out.
  • Similarly, choose sewing on emblems over ironing on. Iron-on emblems eventually lose their sticking-power.

Quarterly Dry Cleaning

Dry Cleaning

  • Constant hand and machine wash results in dulling colors.
  • Though blazers carry machine-washable tags, the stiff polyester tends to get crumpled up and worn out during the regular wash and dry cycle.
  • Then there are stubborn stains which stay put after multitude of cleaning attempts.

Some tasks are best left to the pros. Once every quarter, or after every school term, send out the uniforms for dry cleaning and alterations.

You do not even have to make the runs for this service; Imperial Valet Service Inc offers free dry cleaning pick up and delivery.

Our dry-cleaning service is fast and impeccable; our experts make sure that each and every one of your personal clothing pieces is carefully tended to. Leave it to us to give that special treatment to your kids’ uniforms!

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