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How To Repair Damaged Sneakers & Bring Their Shine Back

How To Repair Damaged Sneakers & Bring Their Shine Back

8 Aug

How To Repair Damaged Sneakers & Bring Their Shine Back

Tell someone with a closet full of Jordans that you think sneakers are just everyday ordinary shoes, and you’ll get an earful about why you’re wrong. Even though you may not be a sneaker enthusiast and keeping your collection updated may not be a priority, you still don’t want to walk around with shabby and dull sneakers.

Some shoes have sentimental value, while others are a limited edition with no replacement. In any case, you should know the easiest way to bring the shine back to your favorite sneakers. Here’s how you can do that!


Learn More About Your Sneakers

Cleaning your shoes comes with just as much responsibility as doing your laundry. Just like you know it’s not wise to throw silk and polyester together, it’s also essential to know the different materials that sneakers are usually made of so you can take appropriate care of them accordingly.

Leather, suede, and canvas are some of the common materials. If you’re not sure about the material of the ones that you own, then you can look them up online. It’s usually mentioned in the product description, so that should also help.


The Sink Scrub Hack

If you’re skeptical about throwing your sneakers in the wash, you may want to stick to sink scrub. All you have to do is fill the sink with cold water, add a little bit of dish detergent and mix until the water is all bubbly. Then use a soft-bristled brush to scrub out all the dust and debris from your sneakers.

Remember not to submerge your sneakers into the water flat-out as it may also damage the sole and cause drying problems.


Make Use Of A Leather Conditioner

Just like our skin needs conditioning and moisturizing to prevent cracks, so does the leather of our sneakers. Hence, it’s wise to invest in a good leather conditioner.

Using it a few times a year should retain its shine and prevent any cracks you may notice. Just rub a little bit of it into the leather with the help of a microfiber piece of cloth and then buff it out for efficient results.

 Different pairs of sneakers in the laundry basket


Hire Shoe Repair And Shine Service In Washington, DC

If you’re looking for a brand new shine on your shoes, reach out to our experts. At Sterling Cleaners, we offer everything from shoe stitching to coating.

Other than shoe repair and shine services, we also offer laundry and dry cleaning, wash and fold, and commercial cleaning services as well to the residents of DC.

Contact us today to learn more.

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