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How to Keep Your Suede Shoes in Top Condition

How to Keep Your Suede Shoes in Top Condition

How to Keep Your Suede Shoes in Top Condition

Suede shoes are super cool and super trendy. But they’ve earned the reputation for being difficult to care for. As much as you’d like to wear them carefully and avoid any stains or damage, you probably can’t. They’re shoes, at the end of the day. They’ll get dirty.

Hey, relax. Even though your suede pairs are a little sensitive and challenging to care for, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear them out. A drop of water or a little bit of mud won’t do them much damage. We’ve compiled a guide on how to care for suede shoes, so you can harbor jealousy in the hearts of your friends when you wear your snazzy new kicks for your next outing.

Use A Suede Brush

A suede brush is an investment that should be dear to your heart. Suede brushes dust off all the stains and dried mud that has accumulated on your shoes. Before brushing, make sure your shoes are completely dry, as brushing suede when wet can lead to some damage. Brush in gentle motions in the direction of the fibers to maintain that glossy finish. Suede brushes have stiff bristles that can remove dirt easily, so you don’t have to go in too hard.

Use A Suede Eraser and Spray

If you haven’t cleaned your suede shoes in a while, or the mud is tricky to get out, use a suede eraser. Oil stains, watermarks and grease, can also be easily removed by using a suede eraser, which is effective for spot cleaning. Use only a moderate amount of pressure, as rubbing too hard can lead to damage. After removing all the stains, use a suede protector spray to protect your beloved shoes from any further stains and marks.

Use A Suede Cleaner

If the stains on your shoes are stubborn and won’t go away with a brush or eraser, use a suede cleaner. Sued cleaners are like shampoos and get rid of tough stains. Brush your shoes and gently wet your shoes with a damp cloth. Spray the cleaner, rub the product in your shoes, and wipe. Brush your shoes again, and seal them with a suede protector.

Use Vinegar

If there are some unknown stains on your shoes, vinegar is an excellent product to scrub them out. Spot clean by applying a little bit of vinegar non the area, and then brush them thoroughly after the vinegar dries off. You can also use a suede eraser, but don’t distress your shoe too much by handling them too roughly. Vinegar also works well for grass and oil stains.

Store Well

Wrap your shoes up if possible, and store them using shoe stretchers. You can also crumble pieces of paper and insert them in your shoes to help them retain their original shape. You can also insert paper in the shoes while cleaning for more support.

If you’re still not convinced, consider getting your suede shoes professionally cleaned. At Sterling Cleaner, we provide expert shoe repair and leather and suede cleaning services. With over three decades of experience, we’re one of the most trusted agencies in  DC. Book an appointment with us now, and you won’t be disappointed!

Contact us at (202) 785-1444 or email us at


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