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How To Hire A Tailor Who Won’t Ruin Your Clothes

How To Hire A Tailor Who Won’t Ruin Your Clothes

hire a tailor
3 Mar

How To Hire A Tailor Who Won’t Ruin Your Clothes

Mornings are rough for most of us. This morning is different though.

For once, you wake up before the alarm goes off. You choose your best outfit.

While dressing, you repeat to yourself, like a mantra, “Today, I’m going to get it all done. I’ll look my best!”

But wait, there’s something wrong with the outfit: it’s far too loose.

The disappointment settles in. Your coffee machine dies on you. Your car breaks down.

Talk about good mornings!

You change your mind about making an effort. The reason behind this letdown you ask? The cheap, unreliable tailor you entrusted with your expensive clothes’ alteration. Here are some pointers on how to avoid facing this complication.

Know Your Options & Get The Right Price

Don’t just rely on the first tailor you find! You need to take your time learning about the different services around you. This way you can do your research to ensure your money won’t go to waste.

Tailors often refuse certain orders if they are busy or simply don’t want to put in the time and effort to alter a garment. The skill level of each tailor you come across will vary as well. Continue to search until you find the one who will do the job right for you.

Then compare the prices! A tailor might be demanding an unusually high price. Don’t just say yes without knowing what is reasonable. Be sure to find someone providing good, cost-effective services.

Don’t pin garments on your own

pin garmentsDon’t think you’re being efficient and saving time when pinning your garments yourself.

You are risking getting the measurement wrong. And instead of getting stuck with pants that are far too short, let your tailor do the job.

Remember, pinning the garment is part of their job; they will be able to do much more accurately.


Some fabrics are harder to work with than others; silk, velvet and leather are all difficult to alter.

Leather is especially a challenge; it requires great precision. The tailor has only one chance to get it right. In such situations, it is always better to do your research and get a professional’s opinion.

Inspect Vintage items

Shopping for vintage clothing is both stylish and the best option if you are on a budget. However, be sure to check the items for any damage or tears—more importantly, where the garment is damaged from.

Keep in mind, a tailor will not be able to help you if the affected area is in the middle of the outfit.

Don’t rely on guesses

Your tailor cannot read your mind; you need to describe what you want. Provide as much detail as you can for minimum chance of error.

Clothes don’t just cover your body; they are a reflection of your personality and style. This is exactly why relying on just any tailor is never a good idea. Reach out to us for dry cleaning and alterations DC services at a reasonable price. Our team of dry cleaning and pressing DC professionals at Imperial Valet Service Inc never disappoints!

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