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4 Reasons Why Hiring a Professional Laundry Service is Better than Doing Your Own Washing

4 Reasons Why Hiring a Professional Laundry Service is Better than Doing Your Own Washing

Image showing laundry pickup and delivery dc
8 Aug

4 Reasons Why Hiring a Professional Laundry Service is Better than Doing Your Own Washing

Doing your own laundry can get really exhausting and time-consuming. A single laundry cycle can take up an average of 1.5 hours, from washing to drying.

Now imagine how much would it take for you to do 8–10 loads of laundry, which is the norm for most Americans.

To save yourself from all the hassle, a professional laundry service might be a great solution. Still unsure? Here are all the reasons why you should consider it.


A professional laundry service takes the burden off of your shoulders giving you extra time to manage other home chores. They not only wash your clothes for you but also pick up and drop off your laundry to your doorstep.

Such services are also a perfect solution for people who have allergies from chemicals used for cleaning. Professional dry cleaners use safe and effective products, reducing the risks of allergic reactions caused by washing liquids.

No need to purchase expensive products:

Cleaning products can be extremely expensive and can cost an average American $600 a year. And even after spending so much money, many people are unable to buy the right products.

Professional cleaners use products that can remove all stubborn stains on your clothes.

Image showing free laundry pickup and delivery dc

No need to worry about folding and ironing:

No one likes going home to a pile of dirty laundry after work. And it’s not just about the washing. You also need to iron and fold those clothes to keep them in the best condition. A reliable laundry service provides you relief from all the hassle by doing the ironing and folding themselves.

Quality guaranteed:

While doing your laundry yourself, we often put all the clothes together in the washer to get it over with quickly. You may end up washing the colored with the whites—and we all know how that goes. A professional deals with your clothes more responsibly leaving no room for mistakes.

If you’re living in DC and looking for quality dry-cleaning, contact Imperial Valet Services. We offer free laundry pickup and delivery dc to our customers. Call us at (202) 785-1444 today.

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