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Dry Cleaned: Preparing & Storage

Dry Cleaned: Preparing & Storage

Image showing free dry cleaning pick up and delivery dc
8 Aug

Dry Cleaned: Preparing & Storage

The convenience that dry cleaning offers allows us to clean all our woolen clothing and other delicate items without worrying about them getting ruined. It can be the quickest and most efficient way for you to get your clothes clean and remove stubborn stains.

There are many dry cleaning services out there so it can be difficult for you to choose one. And let’s face it, not everyone can do the job with care and precision. However, before you drop your clothes off to the dry cleaning service, it helps to prepare your clothes for the service. Doing so will ensure your clothes are cleaned perfectly and aren’t ruined in the process.

Below we will discuss some preparation and storage tips for your dry cleaned clothing items.

Image showing free dry cleaning pick up and delivery

Dry cleaning preparation

Check the tags: Keep in mind that not all garments are safe to dry clean, so check their tags first before you send them out to the dry cleaner. Getting a garment dry cleaned when it’s not “safe” to so do can adversely affect its quality.

Search the garment for worn areas: Make sure you check if your clothes have all the buttons or zippers to avoid confusion after they come back from the dry cleaner.

Mark the dirty stains: This will help your cleaner spot them and eliminate them seamlessly. Oftentimes, smaller or faded stains tend to get overlooked. To save yourself from the disappointment, check for spots that may go undetected beforehand. You could tie a hair tie around the stain or let your dry cleaner know in person.

Check your pockets: Remove any loose cash, coins or other personal items from your pockets before handing them out to the dry cleaning service.

Dry cleaning storage

Remove the plastic bags: Once your dry-cleaned items are home safely, take all your clothes out of the plastic bags. Keeping them in the bag for longer can form unwanted mildew, and this can discolor your freshly cleaned garments.

Replace wire hangers: Wire hangers can rust and stain your clothes. Opt for plastic hangers instead.

Leave the stuffing: Don’t take out the paper that the dry cleaner has neatly stuffed into the sleeves. This will keep the garment from losing its shape before you wear it!

Categorize: Sort out your clothes according to their type and hang them separately. This will help you take them out easily when you wish to wear them.

If you’re looking for high-quality dry cleaning services in Washington, DC, we offer it at affordable rates. We also offer free dry cleaning pick up and delivery dc, as well as alteration services. For more, call at (202) 785-1444!

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