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Employee Attire: A Must Know Guide for the Hospitality Business

Employee Attire: A Must Know Guide for the Hospitality Business

Image showing dry cleaning service in dc
6 Jun

Employee Attire: A Must Know Guide for the Hospitality Business

Employee hygiene affects every part of your business; from the value of your brand to your business’s dry cleaning service in dc ability to pass health inspections.

So whether you’re running a restaurant or a hotel, you need to ensure that every single staff member is cognizant of their personal hygiene and attire.

Not doing so will hold your business back from long-term success.

Image showing dry cleaning service in dc

Here are a few things that every business in the hospitality industry should know about taking care of their staff’s appearances.

Dress Code

Uniforms and business attire speak volumes about a company’s business practices and values. From building brand awareness to being an effective way of team building, they help employees take pride in their work and tell customers that the staff is one cohesive unit.

Uniforms also serve as an equalizer. When everyone is wearing the same clothes, there are no visible socioeconomic disparities between the staff. This makes everyone more comfortable.


Grooming is just as important as attire, and every business needs to have grooming guidelines as part of its dress policy. Disheveled hair, body odor, and revealing clothing can make customers uncomfortable, and put the business’s reputation in jeopardy.


Hygiene standards must include the use of body spray, taking regular baths, and oral hygiene. Employees who work in strained conditions or take long shifts need to be provided with lockers so they can change their clothes as needed. Spills, stains, and grease are inevitable, especially in the cleaning or restaurant business. So provisions need to be made to make up for them.

Regardless of whether you have a stellar business model or top notch marketing campaigns, at the end of the day, it’s your staff and the rest of the team that leaved a lasting impact on customers.

Image showing shoe repair & shine

The appearance of a business’s staff is its responsibility. While a lot is up to the individuals themselves, at the end of the day, it’s management that makes hiring decisions.

It is also the business’s responsibility to make sure that employees not only have clean uniforms at all times, but that those uniforms are cleaned by  a professional dry cleaning service in dc that can handle any and all challenged.

At Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners, we’re experts in commercial cleaning and are able to serve all your laundry needs. Apart from uniform cleaning, businesses also hire us for commercial cleaning of table linens, napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads and a lot more.

Just get in touch with us on our website or place a call at (202) 785 1444 to schedule free pickup and delivery of your laundry anywhere in the Washington Metropolitan Area.

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