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Debunking Dry Cleaning Misconceptions

Debunking Dry Cleaning Misconceptions

Racks of suits hanging in plastic sheets at a dry cleaning shop.
9 Sep

Debunking Dry Cleaning Misconceptions

Did you know that the dry cleaners industry’s market size in the US is eight billion USD with over thirty thousand businesses?

Surely, there’s a good reason for so many people to put their faith in this business. But you’d be surprised to know that there are tons of myths about this simple industry too!

Let’s see what the truth about dry cleaning is.

Clothes Don’t Get Wet During Dry Cleaning

Certainly, everything is kept away from water. However, in place of water, light solvents are used to clean the clothes. After multiple rinse cycles, the clothes are dried with hot air or steam.

These solvents have a lower density than water which makes it easier for them to go through each fiber and thoroughly clean them.

Dry Cleaning Is Bad For The Environment

A lot of detergents that commercial dry cleaners use are toxic. However, most dry cleaning businesses use machines that minimize Perc release according to the safety guidelines.

Some businesses have even switched to EPA-approved detergents that are safer and non-toxic to the environment and consumers.

The Dry Cleaning Process Is The Same Everywhere

This isn’t true at all. There is a standard process that dry cleaners follow to ensure that clothes come out clean and fresh. However, many establishments will skip out on some steps. If the type of fabric is not carefully considered, some harsh steps might ruin the quality of your clothes.

Another way to tell if your clothes haven’t been dry cleaned properly is by checking if the chemical smell is too strong. This is a clear indication that your local laundry didn’t do a good job of dry cleaning your clothes or missed out on some crucial steps.

However, at Imperial Valet, you can trust your items with us. With over eighty years of experience in the industry, we know how to deliver perfect results every single time!


Of course not! Choosing this option can prove to be easier than doing your own laundry.

Cleaning is just one out of many services when you trust an establishment to do its job. You can ask us to wash and fold laundry or even press it for you.

At Imperial Valet, we even offer free laundry pickup and delivery service. This is not limited to clothes but includes hotel linens, shoes, leather accessories, and commercial laundry.

Drop by if you have any queries or special requests for us. You can learn more about our services on our website.


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