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Clothes Wearing Out Too Soon? 8 Laundry Mistakes To Avoid

Clothes Wearing Out Too Soon? 8 Laundry Mistakes To Avoid

11 Nov

Clothes Wearing Out Too Soon? 8 Laundry Mistakes To Avoid

Clothes Wearing Out Too Soon? 8 Laundry Mistakes To Avoid

Doing your laundry should be an easy and simple task, right?

Well, it can be quick and painless if you know how to follow proper care instructions to wash different kinds of clothes and garments.

Even with the invention of washing machines and dryers, laundry woes are common. Let’s take a look at some common laundry mistakes that must be avoided to prevent the wear-and-tear of clothes.

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Detergent?

If you’ve been following the technique of overloading the machine with cups and cups of detergent, you are doing a disservice to your clothes.

Your clothes may come out looking relatively clean, but there will be detergent and soap suds that won’t have rinsed out properly.

Read the user manual that comes with the machine and follow the cycle and load instructions. Fill the detergent drawer with enough soap to clean the clothes and not overcrowd the machine with soapy suds.

Overusing the Bleach

We all love a clean and germ-free load of laundry, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of quality. If you use chlorine-based bleach to wash clothes, the dark colors will fade away quickly and the material will get worn out.

Use oxygen-based bleach in small quantities according to the care instructions printed on the tags inside the clothes.

Remember, in the case of bleach, less is always more!

Vigorously Scrubbing the Stains Away

If you think that vigorously scrubbing the stains off your clothes will help remove them, you are highly mistaken.

Not all stains can be removed using home detergents. The rigorous friction and rubbing will only force the stains to grind deeper into the material, causing premature wear and tear.

Treat the stain with some spot cleaning as soon as the clothes are tarnished. Send them to a professional cleaner to have them treated with commercial stain remover solvents.

Ignoring the Wash Labels

Read the care instructions that come with your clothes. Know the fabric material and the washing guidelines.

If the clothes are ‘dry-clean only’, don’t wash them in machines or try hand washing them using the dip and dry method.

Wash ill-fitted jeans in cold water and fitted, skinny jeans in hot water to avoid shrinkage.

Chucking the Clothes Without Inspection

The rule of thumb while doing your laundry is to check the pockets before chucking the clothes in the washing machine.

Turn the pocket inside out; shake the clothing to see if any tissues, loose change or candy wrappers are hiding inside the pile of clothes.

If a tissue paper gets in your machine cycle, it will be a nightmare to clean out the wet tissue bits stuck to the clothes!

Not Investing in Laundry Bags

If you often lose your socks in the wash, invest in a laundry mesh bag to safely wash all small delicate

s.Gather all the small sized clothing inside the mesh bag and throw it in with the regular load of laundry. This way,the socks and underwear will come out clean and you won’t keep losing them.

Forgetting To Keep the Zippers Closed and


Buttons Open

The pant zippers must be zipped all the way to the top to avoid loose threads getting caught in the zipper and

ripping the clothes.

The button-down shirts must be opened all the way so that the buttons are not hanging by a thread during the tumbling cycle.

Washing All Colored Clothes Together

If you follow the age-old rule of separating your whites and colored clothing, then you must follow the new rule as well: don’t wash all dark colored clothes together.

Further separate and divide your clothes by fabric. Don’t wash cotton, denim, wool, spandex and linen materials together. They will rub against each other, mute the color and make the clothes look worn-out.

Let The Professionals Handle It!

Don’t wash delicate and fragile clothes at home. Preserve their quality and opt for a fresh and crisp look by sending them to a professional cleaner.

Contact Imperial Valet for expert wash and fold laundry service. Our team of specialists will provide you with the best dry cleaning and alteration service and free dry cleaning pickup and delivery in Washington DC.

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