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Benefits of Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning

Planet Earth encompassed by leaves
9 Sep

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning

Some dry cleaners use Perc to dry clean clothes, carpets, and curtains. However, it’s not the most ideal cleaning agent out there.

Perchloroethylene, more commonly known as Perc, is one of the most widely used laundry detergents in dry cleaning. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), perc can be carcinogenic to people; too much exposure can damage organs, weaken the immune system, and even pose a threat to breastfeeding infants. A number of alternatives exist that are safer forhumansandthe environment.

Some of the alternatives and their benefits are listed below.

Professional Wet Cleaning

Clothes and other fabric materials that come in for dry cleaning are riddled with water-based stains.Knowing the acidity or alkalinity of the stain will make it easier to remove using a detergent that’s suitable to the type of fabric. Wet Cleaning avoids the use of harsh and toxic detergents and ensures that the fabric’s colors don’t fade or thin out.

Using wet cleaning will considerably reduce the toxic waste produced. This method can also be used for leather goods, and doing so makes it more pliant. Another benefit to wet cleaning is the noticeable economic and health benefits.

Liquid Carbon Dioxide Cleaning

This is a technique that uses pressurized carbon dioxide in liquid form. It’s used under high pressure and has the ability to dissolve stubborn oil-stains. Excess carbon dioxide is released into the air; however, it’s not extra CO2, it’s simply being returned to its source.

Although it may be a bit expensive to integrate with, the benefits outweigh the economic costs of liquid carbon dioxide cleaning. It cuts down on toxic waste that pollutes water supplies and leads to air pollution.

Siloxane-based Solvents

These solvents aren’t toxic or hazardous to human health. These chemicals have been widely used in the cosmetic industry and they can be easily used for cleaning purposes as well. The chemical doesn’t react with the material’s dyes; therefore, it’s safe for cleaning clothes.

Since, all our laundry detergents are EPA approved, you can rest assured that your laundry isn’t polluting the planet. At Imperial Valet, we offer premium quality commercial laundry service,dry cleaning, and wash and fold services in Washington, DC.

You can learn more about our services or talk to us any time of the day.

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