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A Guide to Cleaning Your Patio Furniture Cushions

A Guide to Cleaning Your Patio Furniture Cushions

7 Jul

A Guide to Cleaning Your Patio Furniture Cushions

With the pandemic, summer plans have shifted from the beach to indoors, which means enjoying a cold glass of lemonade, barbeques, and family games at home, on your patio. But before you hold a get together for close friends, take a look at your patio furniture and cushions that may not have gotten much attention since the last time you threw a party!

But don’t worry. Our experienced laundry & dry-cleaning professionals, have created a simple yet effective 5 step guide to show you how to clean your patio furniture cushions.

Step 1: Make a DIY Cleaning Solution. Combine ½ cup of dishwashing detergent with ½ cup of Borax and ½ warm water. Put the mixture in a clean and empty spray bottle. Shake well and then allow the mixture to sit for 15 minutes before use.

Step 2: Vacuum, Brush & Dust. Now that your solution is resting, vacuum off all loose and dry dirt particles on the cushion cover surface. In the case of mold and mildew, most of it can be removed using a plain nylon brush. Be sure to be gentle while brushing as it can cause mild rips in the fabrics.


Step 3: Spray Away! Take your solution mix, shake well and spray it generously on your cushions, with special concentration on the stains. If you come across an oil-based stain, simple sprinkle cornstarch on top of the solution and scrape only once completely dried.

Step 4: Let it Rest. Take a seat and allow the solution to penetrate through the layers of the fabric to get the best results. After 15 minutes, unzip and remove the cushion cases! Keep your cushions in the sun and ensure there is plenty of airflow to allow them to dry completely. This airflow will also ensure the removal of any bad odor.

Step 5: Wash the Cases. Your cushion cases can be hand or machine washed at home. However, with the coronavirus in full effect, we suggest it’s best for the laundry experts to step in. According to WHO, the high temperatures and chemistry of the professional cleaning process are known to kill most viruses. Getting your covers cleaned from a laundry will probably give you results you probably won’t get at home.

At Sterling Cleaners, we provide you 24/7 dry cleaning services in Washington. Being one of the largest laundry services in DC and serving for over 80 years, we ensure our customers are satisfied at safe.

What are you waiting for? Call us now and we’ll deliver your clean and germ­-free cushion cases at your doorstep!

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