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4 Struggles of Washing Leather Clothes

4 Struggles of Washing Leather Clothes

clean, new leather jacket
8 Aug

4 Struggles of Washing Leather Clothes

There was a time when 60% of the world’s leather was used in making shoes. However, with leather clothes becoming increasingly trendy, that number has now come down to 50%. The popularity of leather goods can be determined by the fact that the industry is expected to have a CAGR of 6.2% from 2021 to 2026. In fact, there’s a good chance you have at least one leather article in your wardrobe right now.

However, while leather clothes make you look good, washing them is quite tricky. In this blog, we’ll list and discuss various struggles of washing leather clothes and give reasons why you should opt for professional dry cleaning.

Water – to use or not to use?

It is impossible to clean leather clothes without water, but too much water can ruin the clothes. Exposure to excessive moisture can lead to the leather drying up and may also result in discoloration. This is why before cleaning the entire article, always test out the cleaner on a small area.

You cannot use a washing machine

Leather clothes are made up of organic material and contain natural oils. This is why you cannot wash your leather clothes in a washing machine, as it will strip away those oils. This may lead to your leather clothes drying up and developing cracks. Therefore, it’s best to  handwash leather clothes

Don’t Use Strong Detergents

When it comes to cleaning leather clothes, it’s best not to use strong detergents. This is because the harsh chemicals they contain can strip away the leather’s natural lubricating oils. Moreover, you will have to go to great lengths to ensure the cleaner does not leave any residue, as it would leave the leather vulnerable to bacteria.

Finding the right cleaning product and cleaning method is not a walk in the park

It may take several attempts to create the perfect soap and water mixture to clean your leather clothes. Moreover, to gently wash away the dirt, you’ll need a clean sponge that does not put scratches on your clothes. The cleaning process is not easy either and requires a lot of patience. You will need to use the sponge in a circular motion. Once you are done removing dirt and dust, you will need a clean, dry, and soft cloth to wipe away any water.

Looking for suede and leather cleaning services in DC? Get in touch with us today by calling  (202) 785-1444.

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