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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Laundry

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Laundry

A laundry washing machine in the kitchen
11 Nov

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Laundry

We all separate our whites from our darks, take out a little bit of detergent, and throw it all together in the washing machine. Wash, rinse, repeat.

With washers and dryers in our house, laundry is so easy we could do it our sleep. However, like most things in life, doing laundry isn’t as simple as it seems. Even though you’ve been doing laundry for ages, you may not have noticed that you’re making a few, simple mistakes that could end up damaging your clothes, the machine, and end up costing your hundreds of dollars in your power bill.

Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of common laundry mistakes, and how you can avoid them.

Going Overboard with Detergent

Let’s make one thing clear. More detergent does not mean cleaner clothes. It actually worsens the condition of your clothes. Excess detergent leads to dirt getting trapped in areas that are difficult to reach, such as the collar. The dirt sinks in, making your clothes even harder to clean. Your best bet is to match the amount of detergent with the size of the load you’re putting in the machine.

Rubbing Stains

Similar to using too much detergent, going in too hard on stains can lead to damage. The excess friction and pressure will ruin the seams of your clothes and cause tiny tears. It can also cause the stain to spread. Instead, dab the stain with a piece of cloth, and work your way inwards to avoid spreading. Remember, patience is a virtue.

White sheets drying outside on pegs and a laundry wire

Using A High Temperature

One of the biggest mistakes we make when doing laundry is washing clothes in hot water. Yes, some clothes do require washing at high temperatures. Some clothes need to be disinfected. However, most clothes do not need to be washed at high temperatures. Doing laundry with hot water can cause your clothes to leak their color, and isn’t very eco-friendly.

Not Prepping

Laundry requires a little bit of prepping beforehand. Zip your pants up if you don’t want the zipper to get loose, and unbutton your shirts. Loose zippers snag at your clothes and scratch the inside of your machine. Throw in your socks together in your first load of laundry, to avoid losing them. Just a little bit of prep will lead you a long way.

If you want to relieve yourself of the headache doing laundry, or you have clothes that require special care, visit a professional cleaner. At Sterling Cleaner, we offer professional dry cleaning services and alterations. We’re one of the most trusted cleaning agencies in all of DC and have been serving our customers for over three decades now.

Contact us at (202) 785-1444 or email us at

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