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What Do My Shoes Say About Me? Caring for My Footwear!

What Do My Shoes Say About Me? Caring for My Footwear!

Image showing shoe repair shop near me
6 Jun

What Do My Shoes Say About Me? Caring for My Footwear!

As they say, “you are what you wear.” And there’s a lot that shoes can tell us about a person. A study conducted by the Kansas University discovered that people can derive a lot about a person, just by looking at their dry cleaning services dc shoes; these “tell-tale” signs include their political inclinations, socio-economic status and prominent personality traits.

Regardless of the style, clean and well-kept shoes are the biggest tell about how invested the person is in coming across as well-put-together in front of others; which is why it’s important to clean your shoes properly.

Shoe cleaning is an art, if you ask us, and so we’ve put together a little shoe-cleaning guide for our readers.

Image showing shoe repair shop near me

Leather Shoes

During the make and tanning process of leather shoes, the natural oils present in the leather are extracted and later reapplied to give the leather its sheen. As the leather gradually loses its external layer due to wear, it loses the shine and elasticity with it.

To prevent this from happening, leather shoes need to be cleaned regularly. It’s recommended to clean them after every wear by taking a brush and gently removing the dust from the surface. Shoe polish and sprays help in keeping the shine and elasticity of the shoes. Once the shoe has been thoroughly sprayed, work it into the leather by gently rubbing the polish all over.

For better results, polish the shoes with a quality fabric.

Suede Shoes

Just like leather, dust and dirt can be removed easily by a cleaning brush made for suede shoes.

Fabric Shoes

Textile shoes often absorb dirt and stains so a superficial clean with a damp piece of cloth isn’t enough to maintain its quality. Fortunately, shoes made out of fabric can be soaked in water and a universal solvent to remove stubborn grime. It’s best to use a mild detergent and hand-wash it to maintain its integrity.


Certain seasons and weather conditions aren’t suited for most shoes. In such cases, caring for a soaked pair of wet boots or muddied sneakers can not only prove to be tiring but may also damage the shoes.

It’s best to leave such an arduous task to professionals and experts who can handle the shoe repair dc and shine using the right substances and cleaning kit. At Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners, we’re well-versed in the best cleaning practices for shoes. We deal in soles, sole guards, heels, Vibram soles, tips and insoles in the Washington Metropolitan area.

Get in touch with us at (202) 785-1444 or our website for a free quote.

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