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How to Care for the Leather and Suede Items in Your Closet

How to Care for the Leather and Suede Items in Your Closet

Image showing Suede and leather cleaning in dc
8 Aug

How to Care for the Leather and Suede Items in Your Closet

Quality leather jackets and pants never go out of style—they’ve been in fashion for decades. However, you can’t just simply wash your leather or suede jackets in the washing machine. Unlike other types of clothing materials, leather and suede require great care to stay in good shape.

So here are a few tricks to keep the leather and suede items in your closet looking new.


When caring for leather, remember never to machine wash it! A single wash can cause it to shrink and wrinkle.

Soap and Water

Only use soap and water to clean leather. Mix 2 teaspoons of dishwashing detergent in a bucket of lukewarm water to prepare a mild solution. Too much detergent can cause the leather to lose its color.

Dip a towel in the solution, squeeze out the excess liquid and wipe the outer part of the jacket. Clean the soap with a dry towel and make sure the leather isn’t left wet from anywhere.

Water-Proof It

Using a waterproofing spray on your leather jacket periodically seals its pores and prevents the leather from absorbing water. Water simply rolls off the leather, preventing it from getting shrunk or wrinkled.

Getting It Dry Cleaned Professionally

Soft and textured leather clothing items should not be cleaned at home. They are very delicate and can get easily damaged. Getting it dry-cleaned by experts like the Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners, can help get rid of even the most stubborn stains, without shrinking or tearing the leather.

Image showing need for Suede and leather cleaning in dc

Leather Cleaner and Conditioner

Using a leather cleaning agent scrubs the dirt, oil and stains away from the surface. It keeps the leather looking shiny and healthy for ages.


Just like leather, suede items shouldn’t be machine-washed either. Though it’s difficult to clean, these tips can help you clean suede items at home.

Use a Suede Brush

A special suede brush can help in cleaning suede clothes. Brushing the surface of clothes, helps is loosening the debris and dirt on it. The brush also helps to loosen the fibers, which makes embedded stains easier to remove. Take care not to use the brush too harshly as this can ruin the fabric.

Vinegar Solution

A mild vinegar solution also helps in removing everyday stains from suede. Make a mixture using two parts water and one part vinegar. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and rub the stain with it until it’s clean.

Suede Protector

Suede protecting spray helps in keeping away surface stains like oil and water. However, it does not protect against blood, mud, or ink stains. For that, you’ll require a professional dry cleaning service.

Suede and leather garments are high maintenance materials and require proper handling and care to keep them in good condition. Our experts at Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners can preserve your suede and leather garments to keep them looking as good as new. Give us a call at (202) 785-1444 today and get free pickup and delivery service in DC.

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