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Got Hair Dye on Your Shirt? Don’t Worry! Here’s How to Get It Out

Got Hair Dye on Your Shirt? Don’t Worry! Here’s How to Get It Out

Hair dye stain cleaning service
2 Feb

Got Hair Dye on Your Shirt? Don’t Worry! Here’s How to Get It Out

So, you’re absolutely in love with that new hair color you just got, the blow dry is great, the dye looks amazing—but what’s that purple stain right next to the collar….Dang! That’s the hair dye!

If you’ve experienced a situation where your hair dye stained one of your most favorite shirts, you know the struggle. It can be pretty challenging to get rid of the stain because hair dyes don’t come off easily (good for your hair though!); however, it’s not entirely impossible.

Ahead, we have rounded up some ways to easily remove hair dye stain from your shirt, so that you can showoff that fancy hairstyle to the world without any worries!

Step# 1: Pre-Treating the Stain

Hair dye stains can get tough if they are left untreated for long, so you need to act quick. As soon as you see the stain on your shirt, dab a small good-quality detergent on it and rub it gently. Let it stay there for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash the affected spot thoroughly using cold water.

dry cleaning services dc

Step# 2: Take Care of the Temperature

Make sure you read the label on the shirt to see if there are any instructions available regarding water temperature and limitations for washing. Neglecting the label can cause more damage to your shirt. Wash your shirt on the suggested temperature.

Step# 3: Check If the Stains Are Gone

If the hair dye stain is still there on your shirt, follow any of the below mentioned options:

· For colorfast fabric material

Create a mixture of warm water and organic cloth-friendly bleach and keep your shirt soaked in the mixture over night. Wash it with a cleaning detergent in the morning and rinse with clean water properly.

· For non-colorfast fabric

Using bleach on non-colorfast fabric can fade the color and damage the fabric. Follow steps one and two again for such garments.

Now that you know it’s pretty simple of get rid of hair dye stains from your clothing. Get that hair shade that you’ve been eyeing for long!

No matter the material of your clothing, it’s recommended that you check the instructions provided on the label before you begin with the cleaning. The cleaning method we’ve explained will be effective on most fabric types, but for more delicate fabrics such as silk, suede, and leather; get in touch with our cleaning experts at Imperial Valet.

We offer best-quality wash and fold laundry and dry cleaning services in Washington, DC. To further facilitate our clients, we provide free laundry pickup and delivery!

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