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Cold or Hot: Which Temperature Is Best For Your Clothes?

Cold or Hot: Which Temperature Is Best For Your Clothes?

5 May

Cold or Hot: Which Temperature Is Best For Your Clothes?


The internet is full of stain removal tips and DIY techniques to brighten your clothes—little do you know that many of them are far from being credible. People fail to see the importance of basic laundry principles – like the water temperature.

The nature and temperature of water impacts the results of your laundry. This brings us to the infamous debate of hot or cold water for stain removal. If you have not tried varying water temperature for your clothes, then you are missing out on a complete washing experience.

When To Make It Hot For Stains?

Hot water for washing is quite similar to a hot shower. It sanitizes your clothes, and helps in maintaining the texture of your garments. In addition to this, it allows the detergent to fully dissolve in the water, increasing its efficacy by activating the cleaning agents present in the detergent. Here is a list of stains that should be washed with hot water for better results.

  • Ink stains (water based ink solutions only)
  • Chocolate stains
  • Coffee stains
  • Wine stains
  • Oil stains

When To Make It Cold For Stains?


Hot water works magic on your clothes. It can remove the toughest of stains in lesser amounts of time, but some fabrics and stains demand a cold wash. If you are dealing with delicate fabric, dye

d fabrics, or protein-based stains, then your best option for stain removal is cold water.

The recommended temperature of cold water is not less than 30 degree Celsius, a temperature lower than this will make it hard for the detergent to dissolve in the water.

Delicates and Colored Clothes In Cold

Delicate fabrics require a gentler wash and hot water can prove damaging for the material, for example, washing silk in cold water can cause wrinkles or shrinkage in woolen fabrics. Moreover, dye stains are not safe for wash (colorfast) in hot water, as the hot water promotes the spreading and transfer of color, therefore wash all these delicate fabrics in cold water;

  • Lingerie
  • Silk items
  • Satin shirts or skirts
  • Heavily dyed jeans
  • Tie and dyed fabrics
  • Woolen sweaters

Cold Water For Protein Stains

Protein stains worsen when treated in hot water, as the high temperature starts cooking the protein content and then the fabric absorbs the stain. On the other hand, cold water prevents the protein stain from settling into the fabric, and allows easy removal. If you are not aware which stains are protein based, then here is a list for you.

  • Dairy stains
  • Egg stains
  • Deodorant stains
  • Blood stains
  • Glue stains

Go Cold When In Doubt Picture3

If the source of a stain is undetermined then treat it with cold water, as you might ruin the dress with hot water if the stain has dye or protein content. If cold water does not provides satisfactory results then switch to hot water. In addition to this, you will save up on heating bills by switching to cold water for laundry needs. But remember some clothes and stains require professional care and maintenance.

You can’t experiment on dry-clean-only fabrics or tough stains as this may damage the material or leave you with a discolored spot. Hence, opt for nearest dry cleaning service in Washington like Imperial Valet for expert wash and fold laundry and stain removal. Call (202) 785-1444 to get your free laundry pickup and delivery from your home.

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