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Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

Dry Cleaning
9 Sep

Can Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?

Picture this: A last minute dinner plan with friends has you scrounging your closet for a decent semi-formal shirt without any stains. You pick one from the pile of clothes, only to discover a fading yellow stain on the front. Where did this come from? And why wasn’t the shirt washed properly afterwards?

Small holes and stains in unlikely places on your clothes hurt especially when you have to throw them away. Everyone wants their favorite clothes to last as long as possible yet the reality is quite opposite.

The Many Difficulties of Washing Clothes At Home

Jobs are becoming more demanding year by year, making it difficult to balance work and personal responsibilities. There are currently more working women than before who are actually more focused on their careers as opposed to taking care of chores like laundry.

Quite simply, many of us don’t have extra time to spend on laundry. What would you prefer – spending free time with your family or doing the laundry?

That being said, there are actually a lot of benefits professional laundry and dry cleaning services provide. The first one being – dry cleaning can actually increase the life of your clothes!

Here Is How Dry Cleaning Adds Years to Your Clothes

Dry Cleaning Adds Years to Your ClothesSome fabrics swell when exposed to water in the washing machine. A combination of heat and mechanical action of the washing machine can also cause permanent damage to the fibers. This doesn’t happen during dry cleaning.

Additionally, water and certain dyes don’t mix well together. The color can bleed, ruining other clothes inside the washer. Overtime, that favorite red dress can start looking bleak, old and faded. Dry cleaning prevents this from occurring.

How much do you hate sorting and folding clothes after each laundry cycle? Professional wash and fold services ensure clothes are cleaned as they should (maintaining quality of fabric this way) and folded before being delivered to your doorstep.

There are some tips that will help you further when it comes to making your clothes last longer.

Always Read Fabric Care Labels

Read Fabric Care LabelsNo clothing will be ruined if only people started reading care labels attached at the back. Manufacturers include how-to wash and car instructions on clothes as per law. If it says wash in cold water, you must follow it to the letter. Your new dress says dry clean only? Take it to Imperial Valet!

Also, remember to:

  • Dry clean clothing before storing for the season
  • Never hang wet or damp clothes in your closet
  • Never store clothes in plastic bags (for a long period)

Give yourself a much deserved break over the coming weekend by letting Imperial Valet Service Inc. handle all your dry cleaning and alterations. We even wash and fold clothes in the proper way that ensures longer and newer looking clothes. Visit us today!

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