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4 Tips to Make Your Shoe Repair Last Longer

4 Tips to Make Your Shoe Repair Last Longer

Image showing shoe repair
9 Sep

4 Tips to Make Your Shoe Repair Last Longer

Did you buy a Nike SB Dunk Low Rees back in 2002 for $65? If so, you might be able to resell them for around $4,000 now! Some experts even suggest that investing in certain sneakers is better than investing in gold.

But you can only make a sale if you keep your already bought shoes in excellent condition.

The shoe repair we wear on a daily basis need to be cared for in a different manner than shoes that we wear on special occasions. The following are some helpful tips that will ensure that your footwear lasts longer:

Shoe Repair – Pay Attention to the Soles

The soles of our shoe t withstand the worst day-to-day struggle. The most common form of damage that occurs to them is a hole in the bottom. Uneven soles, or soles that start to split.

These problems can be avoided by protecting them with the help of a sole protector. It keeps the sole from getting rugged and prevents dust particles from ruining your shoes.

Don’t Use a Washing Machine

Washing machines aren’t not your shoe repair’ best friend. A washer might clean them fast, but it will wear them out even faster.

A great alternative is scrubbing them by hand. You can also use a little bit of detergent on a toothbrush and scrub it against your shoes to get rid of any stains.

 shoe repair

Use Newspapers to Stuff Your Shoes

This is especially beneficial for closed shoes, because they have the tendency to produce a smell. Stuffing them with newspaper will alleviate any odor, dry them out if they’re wet, and preserve their shape.

A shoe tree also does the job. But while they are more sustainable, they can’t be found easily and are a bit expensive as well.

Don’t Wear the Same Foot Wear Three Days in a Row

Shoes that are worn almost daily also need time to breathe and retain their shape. If you are a student or are working somewhere, avoid using the same shoe for more than two days in a row. If there are only three specific pairs of shoes that you like and are comfortable in, it might be a great idea to rotate them throughout the week.

This will not only allow your reliable shoes to last longer but you will also be able to survive throughout the week in maximum comfort.

If you want your shoes to last longer, you need to store them properly and take care of them after every wear.

In addition to providing only the best dry cleaning services in Washington, Imperial Valet Services also provide shoe repair and shine services! Get in touch with us today to know more details!

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