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3 Tips That Will Make Your Dress Shirts Last Longer

3 Tips That Will Make Your Dress Shirts Last Longer

5 May

3 Tips That Will Make Your Dress Shirts Last Longer

Dress shirts are among the most frequently laundered clothing items. Therefore, over time, they lose their shape and become worn out.

If you’ve bought your dress shirt from a high-end clothing store, you’ll want it to last for as long as possible. Here are some tips for ensuring that you get the most out of your dress shirts.

Shirt labels are important

This sounds self-explanatory, but many dress shirts are ruined beyond measure simply because whoever laundered them didn’t read the label. It’s necessary to know how to interpret the symbols on the label to know how the shirt needs to be treated.

Some dress shirts aren’t supposed to be dry cleaned. It’s convenient to drop off a week’s worth of dress shirts at the laundry and ask for all of them to be dry cleaned—but this might cause your dress shirts to lose their shape. Some shirts do well with just a wash and fold. We, at Imperial Valet Sterling Cleaners, pay close attention to laundry labels on clothes.

The dryer can wrinkle your shirts

Dress shirts allow creases to set in easily, and putting them in the dryer can make the wrinkles even deeper. These wrinkles cause them to lose their original crispness, and therefore the professional demeanor that comes with it.

A simple solution is to only allow your dress shirt enough time in the dryer to start the drying process, instead of letting the creases set in as it dries entirely. After this, just dry the shirt on a hanger. You’ll need to iron it out before wearing, but it’ll take a lot less time than if you had let it dry entirely in the dryer.

dress shirt

Maintain your dress shirts

If you store your dress shirts properly, they’ll last a lot longer. Instead of using a wire hanger, use a wooden hanger to hang up your dress shirts. Wire hangers can cause dress shirts to lose their shape, especially around the shoulders.

Keep your dress shirts in a closet that’s clean and cool. It’s important that your wardrobe is dry, since mildew can eat away at cotton fibers and can lead to musty-smelling dress shirts.

Once you get home from work, change out of your dress shirt. Doing so as soon as you get home will ensure that your clothes don’t sustain any unnecessary damage. If your shirt is stained, make sure you get it pre-treated and laundered as soon as possible to prevent the stain from setting in.

We care about your well-being, which is why we offer laundry pickup and delivery, dry cleaning, alterations, and shoe repair and shine services in Washington, D.C. To learn more about our services, contact us.

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